Just two days ago, I was in a super crowded area in Sunway. There wasn't parking. I found an 'illegal' car park. I parked. I got out. As I was walking away, I noticed - other fellow "illegal parkers" have summons. My initial thought - just take their summons and put it on my windscreen. But alas, I did not do that - did not want the other poor bugger to be summoned twice. Hahaha. But please, don't let me put ideas in your head.
This brings me to the question. Why the heck isn't anyone obeying traffic rules? Why do we speed? Park everywhere and anywhere?
But the bigger question is this: WHY do we get ANGRY when we are caught? I mean, if I speed, I should bloody well accept the fine. Why is everyone against "saman ekor"?
I have given serious thought to this - and I came to one conclusion. Fear and Favour. The law must be enforced without fear nor favour. But alas, could it be done in Malaysia? We know the answer.
This is why we get very angry:
- That guy can use tax money, buy condos for cows - and I want to drive fast, I kena saman.
- That Dato's car has more tint than an illegal casino - no one says a word. My third brake light not working, the police is having a chat with me.
- How come he can rape a 12 year old? I mean, I am also rushing for my bright future meeting. So, what's wrong with driving on the emergency lane?
- CSL's oral sex on tape, OK? How come you want to tell me I cannot "masuk"/enter just because it's no entry?
- Jibby says, I help you, you help me. So, why you just summon me? Never give me a chance to help you?