
Friday, 31 August 2012

Cowboy nation?

Tell me if this is true. Malaysians are far from law abiding when it comes to traffic rules. Take me for example. I don't bother to drive at 110kmph. Chances are, it's closer to 125kmph.

Just two days ago, I was in a super crowded area in Sunway. There wasn't parking. I found an 'illegal' car park. I parked. I got out. As I was walking away, I noticed - other fellow "illegal parkers" have summons. My initial thought - just take their summons and put it on my windscreen. But alas, I did not do that - did not want the other poor bugger to be summoned twice. Hahaha. But please, don't let me put ideas in your head.

This brings me to the question. Why the heck isn't anyone obeying traffic rules? Why do we speed? Park everywhere and anywhere?

But the bigger question is this: WHY do we get ANGRY when we are caught? I mean, if I speed, I should bloody well accept the fine. Why is everyone against "saman ekor"?

I have given serious thought to this - and I came to one conclusion. Fear and Favour. The law must be enforced without fear nor favour. But alas, could it be done in Malaysia? We know the answer.

This is why we get very angry:
  1. That guy can use tax money, buy condos for cows - and I want to drive fast, I kena saman.
  2. That Dato's car has more tint than an illegal casino - no one says a word. My third brake light not working, the police is having a chat with me. 
  3. How come he can rape a 12 year old? I mean, I am also rushing for my bright future meeting. So, what's wrong with driving on the emergency lane?
  4. CSL's oral sex on tape, OK? How come you want to tell me I cannot "masuk"/enter just because it's no entry?
  5. Jibby says, I help you, you help me. So, why you just summon me? Never give me a chance to help you?
This is exactly why we do not obey the law, we are pissed off when we are caught. I would love to see some brave officers decorated for upholding the law without fear nor favour. 

Happy Merdeka Day, Malaya

Time flies, it's now 55 years of Independence for Malaya. There are lots of could haves and should haves. But alas, we cannot change history.

We can only look forward to a better Malaysia. Personally, I am sad. Sad to see how history has been twisted. How we have been lied to, when we (perhaps not all of us) were students.

31 August 1957 is Independence day for Malaya. Malaysia was formed 6 years later. Wouldn't it be good if we stopped the lies, and face the truth like a matured nation? Oh well...

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Unnatural acts

There are a good number of acts, deemed unnatural or against the act of nature, and is thus banned. So, I rant on. Perhaps we should ban the following too.
  1. Calculators. That's not natural. Everyone should do arithmetic using their heads only...or fingers and toes.
  2. Glasses. If god wanted you to be blind of have poor eye-sight - don't correct your eyesight. Be blind.
  3. Cars and all modes of transportation. We should walk, and only walk.
  4. Haircuts. It's not natural to have haircuts. We should all go for the cavemen look. (some are already achieving it). Imagine kids saying "Teacher, I cannot cut my hair. It's against the act of nature. I am not tying it up either, or washing it - unless it rains".
  5. Medical science and medicine - unless it is traditional medicine. This will ensure nature does it part and only the fittest survive.
  6. Condoms - that's not natural too.
  7. All cosmetics. That could be the most deceiving invention of the human race. The most deceiving would be plastic surgery.
  8. Electricity - that's completely unnatural. The only electricity allowed is lightning from the sky.
  9. All processed food, including fast food. That's so unnatural.
  10. Massive earth works - levelling hills, sea reclamation. dams (Bakun included...).
And the following then, should be allowed, since it is very natural:
  1. Random sex. It's about the survival of the fittest. This includes getting the best genes - for ladies. For guys, it's about increasing the chances of the survival of your genes - by putting eggs in many baskets. (No pun intended). 
  2. Theft. In nature, there is no such thing as "it belongs to me". There is no ownership. So, technically, I could 
  3. Going naked. What more can I say? It's god's gift - so, let's flaunt it. OK, not all gifts are equal... but let's still flaunt it. (Ewwwww).
  4. Sleeping on the job. When I am tired, I sleep. Taking coffee to stay awake is unnatural (unless you can prove coffee is native to your workplace area).
  5. Rude behaviours - farting, coughing, and scratching where-ever and when-ever it itches.
However, it must be noted that the CSL oral sex case, when filmed, is OK. 

Rapes allowed?

It is very disheartening to read about rapes of minor, and the court seems to be 'OK' with it. To me, that's just sick. Hudud should be applied... to all rapist (regardless of religion). Potong jer. I support this idea. Throwing them in jail seems to be a waste of space and tax-payer's money.

How could a 12 year old consent to sex? She cannot even start a savings account (which is a good thing) without her parents. However, it's OK to consent to sex. 

What else is wrong? Juveniles have been banished for stealing motorbikes. How much is a motorbike? RM 2000? RM 3000? So, does this mean our courts value a female for way less than RM 3000? Consider this - if a juvvy steals a bike - he can be jailed, or detained at His Majesty's pleasure, or sent to reform school. We now have adults (both older than 18), raping underage girls - and almost get away with it. Try stealing an apple. Sure kena jail. So, in the eyes of the court, I guess our young gals are worth less than apples. Sigh.

More over, there seems to be a huge uproar when anal sex is concerned. Even  if it is between two consenting adults. Mind you, even oral sex is illegal between consenting adults. They say, it is NOT natural. I don't know. Maybe they got a manual on how to use their bodies. I guess the manual must state " Only put Dick into Vagina". Strangely, the manual seems to leave out the "Use Brains" section.

And speaking of unnatural - isn't kissing unnatural too? Mouths are for eating. Not kissing. Or did the manual leave that out too? More on that in my next post...

Back to subject matter - the rot started a long time ago. It started with the judiciary reporting to the executive. There goes the check and balance. Then, there was this "Correct Correct Correct" guy brokering the engagement of the chief justice, no less. Then, the CJ says.... keeping stolen land is legal (Adorna Properties Sdn Bhd v Boonsom Boonyanit 2000 ("Adorna Properties")). And now, even young girls are not safe. 

It is time we stop the rot. Please register to vote before we are all buggered. Imagine the argument. Since the majority voted to allow the rakyat to be buggered, please drop your pants and bend over....

Tuesday, 21 August 2012