
Friday 11 June 2010

The Naked NEP - Brain Drain

Corruption and silly protectionism has caused severe brain drain. Fact - not easy to get into a government university, despite the fact that they are not good compared to overseas universities. But there is still corruption. If you are so and so, you will get a place.

What will the rich do? Let's say - rich Chinese. They will want their kids to get a good education. No chance of getting into a local university. What to do next? Go overseas la. Mind you, if you can get into a pretigious overseas university, the student must be doing well. Try getting into Monash Uni or Melbourne Uni. Not easy. Not cheap.

This is when a double whammy hits Malaysia. All Malaysians are hit. First, we lose the talent. They go overseas. Due to low wages here, they are unlikely to come back. Added with bad policies, they won't even think of coming back. Second whammy - their parents are still earning from the Malaysian economy, but happily sending everything overseas for their kids.

I do not blame their parents. I was in the same situation. There is no chance for me in Malaysia. Only difference is I came back. The stupid policies have forced this onto us. Must study Islamic History. Must study Moral. These are nothing but waste of time. If it is attractive enough, students will select to study it.

What the government should have done is, make sure the rich and smart get a place in the Malaysian universities. Make the rich pay. The smart but poor must get a place too, and make sure they don't have to pay. Not give it to a so-and-so's son or daughter. This will keep talent, and money in the country.

But BN and others still prefer to be shout Ketuanan Melayu. Honestly, I do not mind at all. But no point talking about tuan this and tuan that when there is nothing left to be tuan about. They think they are doing everyone a favour. Actually, they are doing it for themselves. Not for the layman rakyat. Only the elite gets it.

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