
Friday 11 June 2010

Naked NEP

The nation has been crippled by subsidies, quotas, ceiling prices and taxes. I will now write a series of blogs to undress the NEP and other silly government policies. It writing is clear, but no one has even seen it or has highlighted it. I am not sure why.

I will make it clear. I am not against any race. But if we must help someone, help someone properly. What is happening today is like:

An old man rides a bicycle along a kampung road. Accident strikes. A large tree branch fell on him and his bicycle. The old man is pinned. His leg is trapped, but otherwise completely unharmed. Shaken perhaps. He yells for help. Then comes along the Government to rescue him. Yes, the kampung folks are happy to see the old man being rescued. The Government takes a look at the old man, and swiftly takes out a parang.

The old man yelled, "No No No". Huh? Doesn't he want to be rescued? Alas, the Government wanted to hack of his leg, instead of the tree branch. The Government is unhappy, " You called for help, and I am here to help you. You are being ungrateful."

This is the scenerio we are all stuck in. Most of us do not even know when the government is here to amputate our arms and legs. Sure, the old man will be freed. But it is a very stupid way of doing it right? And why handicap him for the rest of his life? So, read on my series on The Naked NEP.

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