Yup, NEP has made the playing fields leveled for both bumi and non-bumi. Instead of filling up the low areas, what really happened is the high areas of the field has been dug out, and the dirt sold. And they are still digging.
Acknowledgement: Pics from Malaysiakini / NST.
Why on earth are the students asking for PTPTN to be abolished. Hello. This is a loan. You have to repay it. Maybe they took a page out of Sharizat's family business - if you take a loan, you don't have to repay it.
Why on earth are the students asking for PTPTN to be abolished. Hello. This is a loan. You have to repay it. Maybe they took a page out of Sharizat's family business - if you take a loan, you don't have to repay it.
Imagine - this is the future of Malaysia - asking for loans that do not need to be repaid. They should be asking for free education (which they are) and education to be based solely on results.
My questions are:
- Why do they take the loan in the first place?
- Some say, they are poor. How much is your phone? If it is more than the RM 100 Nokia entry-level, you have no right no bitch about the lack of money. For the record, my phone is five years old (yup, I checked the warranty labels), with the front cover missing. I have not changed it for the simple reasons that it still works and a new phone won't make me more money. So, what phones are the students using? (I stand corrected if they require the phone to take photos, for "business").
- What car does your parents drive? If they drive more than a Proton, it means that they have placed importance on their transport over your education.
- If you were so damn good, why didn't you get an ASEAN scholarship from Singapore? That's purely based on results. Plenty of such scholarships from Australian universities too... but too bad, they really take only the best. By the best, I mean the top student (TER 99.9)
I have full respect for students who work to support their education. That's how it should be. I really respect students that have to work as prostitutes, working their ass off (no pun intended) to get a degree. Yes, there were a good number of them from where I graduated. No shame at all in that. They could hold their heads high and say - "I did it on my own."
Of course, our softie students here would need a car, walking in the sun is too much, cycling is out of the question, must rent one room (some of my course-mates use to share more than 3 to a room), needs a washing machine, won't cook, eat out only...and the list goes on. Will want a new laptop, loaded with pirated software, wants an iPhone, a iPad without the need to "I have to work for it". Fast cars, sexy girlfriends, looking pretty would be essential too.
At this rate, we are all screwed. Imagine, one day - they will lead the workforce. So much for NEP. It's a real success to see everyone asking for handouts. For the record, I accept that NEP is a Bumi right and I do not challenge it. It's just the end results that have screwed up the entire nation. No exceptions, all races included. How very 1Malaysia indeed.