
Saturday, 21 April 2012

NEP has worked

Yup, NEP has made the playing fields leveled for both bumi and non-bumi. Instead of filling up the low areas, what really happened is the high areas of the field has been dug out, and the dirt sold. And they are still digging.

Acknowledgement: Pics from Malaysiakini / NST.

Why on earth are the students asking for PTPTN to be abolished. Hello. This is a loan. You have to repay it. Maybe they took a page out of Sharizat's family business - if you take a loan, you don't have to repay it.

Imagine - this is the future of Malaysia - asking for loans that do not need to be repaid. They should be asking for free education (which they are) and education to be based solely on results. 

My questions are:
  1. Why do they take the loan in the first place?
  2. Some say, they are poor. How much is your phone? If it is more than the RM 100 Nokia entry-level, you have no right no bitch about the lack of money. For the record, my phone is five years old (yup, I checked the warranty labels), with the front cover missing. I have not changed it for the simple reasons that it still works and a new phone won't make me more money. So, what phones are the students using? (I stand corrected if they require the phone to take photos, for "business").
  3. What car does your parents drive? If they drive more than a Proton, it means that they have placed importance on their transport over your education.
  4. If you were so damn good, why didn't you get an ASEAN scholarship from Singapore? That's purely based on results. Plenty of such scholarships from Australian universities too... but too bad, they really take only the best. By the best, I mean the top student (TER 99.9)
I have full respect for students who work to support their education. That's how it should be. I really respect students that have to work as prostitutes, working their ass off (no pun intended) to get a degree. Yes, there were a good number of them from where I graduated. No shame at all in that. They could hold their heads high and say - "I did it on my own." 

Of course, our softie students here would need a car, walking in the sun is too much, cycling is out of the question, must rent one room (some of my course-mates use to share more than 3 to a room), needs a washing machine, won't cook, eat out only...and the list goes on. Will want a new laptop, loaded with pirated software, wants an iPhone, a iPad without the need to "I have to work for it". Fast cars, sexy girlfriends, looking pretty would be essential too.

At this rate, we are all screwed. Imagine, one day - they will lead the workforce. So much for NEP. It's a real success to see everyone asking for handouts. For the record, I accept that NEP is a Bumi right and I do not challenge it. It's just the end results that have screwed up the entire nation. No exceptions, all races included. How very 1Malaysia indeed.

Accessing the Internet Freely

At times, TM would block certain websites due to contents. I believe in a free internet. Gutterpost is one that's blocked. At one stage, there were a number of pictures related to Malaysian minister, and another Minister's children.

So, the trick is this. You must change your DNS settings. DNS is the look-up table. It takes a link and obtains the address. The address is just a bunch of numbers. If you cannot get the address, nothing shows up.

I won't go into details of how to change your DNS. There's plenty of tips out there.

Firstly, you have to select a free DNS. You can use Google's DNS servers. The IP Address for Google's DNS servers are and Doesn't matter which set of numbers go in as primary or secondary. 

For other DNS servers, just go a Google search for the phrase "Free DNS servers". Norton has one too. 

Next, do a search on how to change / configure DNS. Example: "Configure DNS windows 7". It will give you a good picture.

Have fun. By the way, this doesn't seem to work for Celcom Broadband. They have a 'smarter' way of blocking certain sites.

You can read more at:

Singapore Scandals

Hot in the news, is more than 40 men being charged with having sex with an under-aged prostitute. To be fair, the authorities said that she worked for an illegal / not- registered establishment (read whore-house).

The mind boggles. Firstly, how did she get pass the authorities to work as a prostitute? Didn't they need a health certificate or something like that?

What's even more amazing is, how on earth did she, and the establishment manage to trace so many customers? Frankly, I could not even remember what I ate for lunch, and I am not exaggerating. Were her clients so special that she remembered them?

If it was an illegal whore-house, surely they didn't keep receipts and records of who-hired-who. So, how on earth did they do the trace? Something just doesn't add up. If it was based on the guys renting a hotel room - that would be difficult too. There's no record of who else went into the room with the guy, nor any evidence (except Dr Chua's case) of what went on in the room.

CCTV would have been out of the question too. It happened way back in 2010. It's usual to record over the CCTV after a week.

Lastly - who on earth would look for a prostitute (underage or otherwise) in Singapore. I mean, the Singaporean government surely keeps track of everything. I am least surprise if one can get a message :  

You ejaculated after about 21 trusts into Miss K, during your last 'engagement' with her. Based on this, we are recommending you (read: we require you to report yourself) to XXX Hospital at 0800hrs, 23 April 2010; for treatment for pre-mature ejaculation. By the way, we will also need to measure the size of your erect penis as we noticed the condom was a bit too large.

It's common knowledge that Singaporeans prefer to gamble in Genting. I would assume people would prefer to bonk in Batam, Hatyai or some say JB.

So, who's the gal in question?

Pics from Gutteruncensored.

Read more about it on Gutterpost.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Screaming Blowjobs

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But it's the same in Singapore / US

Don't you hate it when idiots say "Singapore has ISA, so, Malaysia should keep ISA". 

That's what Ibrahim Ali said. He even told Lim Guan Eng to tell Singapore to abolish ISA. Hello... Lim Guan Eng is a Malaysian politician. He has nothing to do with Singapore. This jerk probably thinks Singapore is still part of Malaysia. 

Just the other day, one of my Facebook friends commented "in US, judges are corrupt too". He was commenting on my link on how Mamak-kutty screwed up the whole Malaysian judiciary including sacking judges that went against Ummmm..NO.!

So, here's my question to these kind of retards: Why are you comparing other countries with Malaysia? 

  1. Can we openly start a Geylang in Malaysia?
  2. Singapore has ASEAN scholarship which is based on 100% meritocracy. Can we do the same?
  3. Singapore has no NEP, no 30% quota, no syariah law, and is Ibrahim Ali suggesting we do the same?
  4. LGBT is freely practiced in USA. So, can we have the same?
  5. China shoots corrupt politicians. Can we start now?
Point being, every country is different. We must know what is right and wrong for us. So, please do not go comparing Malaysia with other countries when the government has screwed up. At other times, the government will say, cannot be like "mat sallehs". Frankly, you think the Mat Sallehs want to be like us? Get real.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

F Buddy for underperformers?

I read with utter disgust that the government is giving under-performers buddies.

So, what's next? If I under-perform in bed, I will get a fuck-buddy? Of course, I am hoping it would be a girl rather than a guy to train me how to fuck.

What if someone prematurely ejaculates? They will get a buddy too for bedtime activities?

And how could I sign up? I mean, I won't lie. My performance is OK. But I don't mind coaching a under-performing (not under age!) girl. Or girls.

As far as I am concerned, buddies (for the work place) shall be assigned during training or probationary period. After that, if they are under performing, it's a HR issue. Re-training, warning, re-assignment of task or even firing them would be the right course of action. So, what if they still under perform after getting the buddy?

And what's worse with this system, the performing staff will now need to baby-sit the under performing staff. Kindda screws up the entire system right?

And I cannot believe I have to pay up taxes by month end to finance this bunch of idiots.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Just for fun

 How true. I think my parents are worried more about me than about my sister...

Does it apply to all girls? I doubt it... for now.

And of course, I just had to share this. A new definition to the word Dedication.

O Face?

No extra points for guessing what it is all about. Which is you / your girlfriend?

270 Years Jail?

Here's one interesting article:
Apparently, this accounts guy embezzled a total of about RM 6.8 million. Sentenced to 9 years jail, fine RM 6.5 million and eight stroke of rotan.

How, what happens if RM 250 million disappears? You know who, and what I am talking about. That's about 30 times more than the amount this accountant took. Will it be a total of 270 years of jail, equally divided among the directors (father, daughter and son)? That's still 90 years per person.

And fine? Will the fine be RM 195 million? Or RM 65 million per director?

And the best part. Will each director of "Cowgate" receive 60 strokes of the rottan?

I sure as hell hope so. This is a real bunch of greedy bastards. When they get caught, the still lie. No shame. No sense of right and wrong.

My question is this : After all the corruption, would the beef still be halal? Wouldn't buying such beef be contributing to a criminal organization? (and some jokers blame Christianity for threatening their religion).