
Saturday, 21 April 2012

Singapore Scandals

Hot in the news, is more than 40 men being charged with having sex with an under-aged prostitute. To be fair, the authorities said that she worked for an illegal / not- registered establishment (read whore-house).

The mind boggles. Firstly, how did she get pass the authorities to work as a prostitute? Didn't they need a health certificate or something like that?

What's even more amazing is, how on earth did she, and the establishment manage to trace so many customers? Frankly, I could not even remember what I ate for lunch, and I am not exaggerating. Were her clients so special that she remembered them?

If it was an illegal whore-house, surely they didn't keep receipts and records of who-hired-who. So, how on earth did they do the trace? Something just doesn't add up. If it was based on the guys renting a hotel room - that would be difficult too. There's no record of who else went into the room with the guy, nor any evidence (except Dr Chua's case) of what went on in the room.

CCTV would have been out of the question too. It happened way back in 2010. It's usual to record over the CCTV after a week.

Lastly - who on earth would look for a prostitute (underage or otherwise) in Singapore. I mean, the Singaporean government surely keeps track of everything. I am least surprise if one can get a message :  

You ejaculated after about 21 trusts into Miss K, during your last 'engagement' with her. Based on this, we are recommending you (read: we require you to report yourself) to XXX Hospital at 0800hrs, 23 April 2010; for treatment for pre-mature ejaculation. By the way, we will also need to measure the size of your erect penis as we noticed the condom was a bit too large.

It's common knowledge that Singaporeans prefer to gamble in Genting. I would assume people would prefer to bonk in Batam, Hatyai or some say JB.

So, who's the gal in question?

Pics from Gutteruncensored.

Read more about it on Gutterpost.

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