
Monday, 30 June 2008

Comics page is out of place

It is a Monday morning and as usual, gravitational pull between my bed and I was particularly strong. Right now, I was looking more like a cross between a panda with two black eyes and a mashimaro typing. The only problem is, both the panda and the mashimaro are cuter than I am.

When I read today's NST, I noticed something was wrong. For a moment, I thought I was dreaming. First, an article about the swimming pool in Terengganu. The pool, newly built / refurbish, was used for the recent Malaysian Games. The swimmers were good, breaking many national records.

Alas, came today's news. An insider has revealed that the pool is actually 40cm short of the standard 50m length. Wow! That's what I call news. Checked again. Nope, it is not the comics page. Heck no, it's not April 1st. Not even in planet Mars it is 1st of April. Or did they describe the comedy series The Games? It sure did remind of the series The Games, a satirical show by the Australian Broadcasting Channel. There was a episode about the 100m track shorter than 100m.

Guess someone must have watched the show and decided to play a practical joke. Or is this just development brought to us by BN? Well, it is definitely a world's first and I am sure the pool must earn a place in the Malaysian Books of Records. The swimming pool that is a little short. Hehehe. But then again, think of the advantages. If our athletes fail to perform at the 2008 Olympic Games, maybe they can say "Did anyone measure the pool? I think it is too long!". Malaysia Boleh.

Then, on another page - was another joke by BN. An asshole named Hamidah Osman, raised the issue "If you see an Indian and a snake, kill the Indian first." She was referring to Malaysians of India origin. Not bad. She raised it in the Perak state assembly. How relevent is that question? She retracted it, but it shows it was done with bad faith. What does it prove? It shows that the Prime Minister is asleep, because he has yet to say anything about this. The DPM Najib is a ball--less creature, because he didn't discipline Hamidah either. The police are not apolitical, because if someone said anything bad about the Malays, it would be detained under ISA for inciting racial hatred.
The Finance Minister asked, why should they consult the Penang State Government when they've decided to cancel a few projects in Penang. Since BN lost Penang, the Federal Government has decided to cancel a few mega-projects, including the Penang Monorail. This is a quote from the NST "What is there to consult? These are federal projects," said Second Finance Minister Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop.

Hmm. The Minister must be badly confused. Is the rakyat in Penang exempted from paying taxes to the Federal Government? If they are paying, surely the bloody minister has to explain to their leader. No, instead, that asshole has decided to be arrogant and show it up their ass. What the fuck. Yes, time to vote BN out of the Federal Government. Or move fast to Penang. After all, maybe Penang is free from federal income tax!
So, welcome to Malaysia, currently governed by a bunch of arrogant, corrupt, ball-less racists.

At the rate things are going, I really think BN wants to hand over government to another party.

Friday, 27 June 2008

It's the weekend...

Well, it is the weekend again. Almost - in a few more hours. I am almost bored to death in the office now, with much to do, but no motivation at all to do it. Worse still, I have no plans for the weekend. H is darn busy. A couple of other gals are not free either. Heck, even a cross-dresser from AFF is busy.

It may not be a bad thing after all, coz I am low on money. Yes, I just got my paycheck, but the devils in credit cards are causing some duress. The insurance, my wisdom tooth and a few other expenditures hit me hard. Not to mention even a daily chore of getting to work costs more now.

Oh, news of the month. AC has resigned before she got confirmed. I just heard a rumour that she started off as a PA for some Director, and managed to move up the ladder. What has she done for Nible2? She did spend all the money, no visible improvements. Didn't do anything else.

Now for the joke of the day. AC's car was clamped a few days ago. Guess what's her reaction? She called the CFO to tell the CFO that her car got clamped. What the efff? I wonder what exactly did she expect the CFO to do. Casually, the CFO asked her to call the evil HR Director. Strange isn't it? Did she expect the CFO to pay for her fine?

Anyway, with AC gone, this place is sure empty. It is already non-functional. Even the rats are jumping ship. Time to get on with more "Dear Sirs..."

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Education Malaysia?

Education system in Malaysia is really rotten. I don't mean the current system. I mean the system when I was in back in 1986 till 1995. What got me started rambling about this is when I was in Sri Lanka, so many of my friends told me... "Wow, India must be terrible".

Hang on, for the last 60 years or so, Sri Lanka has been a independent country. It is not part of India. Sure, it is next to India, or Tamil Naidu to be precise, but hey, where on earth did they learn their history or geography?

It says a lot about modern life style. Firstly, the education system is bad. And it is made worse by modern society (read parents). Everyone wants to score well for exams. Heck, the purpose of school is to learn, not to score. What's wrong with these people. So the end results - no clue about Sri Lanka. Engineers without a clue what a LC circuit is. Mind you, that's an electrical engineer.

In the long term, this will result in people hating their jobs and taking it out on their family. I don't often meet people who are passion with what they do. As much as I dislike the management of Nible2, I am passionate about my job. I seldom go, oh crap, back to work. It would be like "Oh crap, no job satisfaction".

It is time the younger generations do things for the right reasons, for the right purpose. I am quite certain this is not the case only in Malaysia but worldwide. What are your opinion on this?


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Time Travel

I just got back from Sri Lanka, in one piece. Yes, the security situation there is somewhat bad - it is like re-living in a page of the history books of the Malayan Emergency. The place certainly look like the British has just left recently.

This is a picture of a very old steam-roller. Hmmm. I've never seen it before. Wonder if it still works.

In Malaysia, things have moved forward so much. Is Sri Lanka nice? Yes, I would say it is. Malaysia is way too developed now. Hardly any green areas left. The politicians are too busy lining their own pockets, destroying history in the name of progress. Why can't they keep buildings by the British? That's character to the place. But heck no, building code in Malaysia seems to dictate that all old buildings must be replace buy uglier new ones.

Heck no, there was no action at all in Sri Lanka. Only action were that of military. The place is rather miserable. Shops begin to close at about 5pm and by 7pm, Colombo is a deserted town.

I received a rude shock when I arrived. On the way to the hotel from the airport, I noticed the driver was driving in the middle of the road, literally. So, I asked him why. The reply a very sobering "Roadside bombs, sir". As I sank deeper into the seat, I wished I did not ask. As X Files says "You cannot handle the truth".

No longer a common sight are mobile ice-cream vendors. Maybe still one or two more in smaller towns in Malaysia, but certainly not seen in Kuala Lumpur. Reminds me when I was a kid.

The conversation over lunch on Monday nearly had me choking on my tender and juicy piece of meat. I'm not referring to a pretty gal, but to some Australian Angus beef. And the topic during lunch? "How come there were no bombs this morning". The locals were wondering why hasn't the Tamil Tigers bombed a police station or the public transport. Apparently, the bombs are usually on Mondays and Fridays. Looks like the Tamil Tigers have a better SOP than Nible2.

I prefer Indian food to Sinhalese food. Pharmaceutical drugs are cheaper in India than in Sri Lanka. In any case, I bought some Cupid 50 (equivalent of Viagra) for about RM3 per tablet - that's less than USD 1 per tablet. Oh, more on Viagra later.

I did a double-take when I first say the letter boxes there. Yup, that's GR - from the era of King George V. I have never seen those before. No ER II emblems because Sri Lanka gained independence (according to my tour guide) before Queen Elizabeth II's reign.

The Elephant Orphanage was fun. This place is between Colombo and Kandy. I did some touring on Saturday, after being informed that it was safer to be outside Colombo. Believe it or not, it was a business trip and not a holiday. But it sure sounds like a holiday.

Anyway, back to the Elephant Orphanage - there are actually only 3 or 4 orphaned elephants there. The rest of the elephants? Oh well, it could be called a resort. Interesting especially when we get to pat the elephants.

Visited another temple in Kandy - the Tooth Relic. It is said that this temple contains a tooth from Buddha. The tooth is said to be collected from the cremation pyre.

The place was very serene and yes, I did enjoy visiting the temples. Only concern was, this place was bombed by the Tamil Tigers back in 1993, if I remember correctly. Heck, all my office colleagues told me that they only targeted public transport. So much for local input!

I did buy a lot of tea - it was cheap and yes, they are good. Got myself a white sapphire, but it appears I have dropped it in less than 72 hours after buying it. Haiz. Guess precious stones are not the thing for me. Good thing it wasn't a diamond or a gift for a loved one.

Stayed in Hilton JAIC Towers. They are service apartments, but like a hotel in many ways. My suite was USD 105 per nite, and it had three bedrooms. It was a little too big for my liking - especially when I am alone. Can be scary at night. One morning, when I got up, I released that my bedroom door was slightly ajar. I was pretty sure I locked it the night before. Anyway, I rather believe I have a bad memory than the other alternatives - someone came in, or there is ghost after all. I rather live with bad memory. May not be able to handle the truth.

With such a nice hotel, I only wish H was with me ... to enjoy some intimate moments together. Gosh, I do miss travelling with her.

All in all, I did enjoy myself in Sri Lanka. It was dangerous but exciting. It was like a page out of the history book - but hey, that's the "Good Old Days" everyone is talking about. I sure hope to return to Sri Lanka again.

Friday, 13 June 2008

Off to Colombo

After being in the freezer for sometime, I am off to Colombo next week for business. Or so called business trip. The local partners there have yet to even call me, but what the heck, I've decided to at least relax in a nice hotel. The only risk is the civil war which has intensified lately. Then again, if one's time is up, it's up.

Work aside, I've had a good time with H. She was free. Oh boy, after such a long time not 'doing' her, it was so nice to have her in my bed moaning and clutching me. Oh yes, I also miss her oral skills very much. She's great. And now, I miss her again.

Surprising, I got a message from a AFF member, just turned 17. I've actually given up on my AFF account. It attracted mostly working gals. Not what I have in mind. This 17 year old, let's call her Cat - needed money urgently. She said she was willing to do a deal - one whole night for Rm 400. Haiz. More gals asking for money. I have declined the deal, but I do feel sorry for her. She says that she doesn't have a place to stay, is almost out of money and to top it all, is pregnant. Well, I am not about to just dish out money like that, but yes, I do feel sorry for her.

In any case, I will be busy packing up for my trip. Lately, I'v been busy doing some reading, stocking up on engine oil, planting vegetables (oh, not cucumbers or bananas!) and doing some research on pest. The latest experiment is to kill ants with artificial sweetener. Doesn't appear to be working yet, but I will keep all posted.

Monday, 2 June 2008

The Ant and the Grasshopper

Here's a good story to summarize the situation in Malaysia. The Malaysian New Economic Policy (NEP) is not only a racist policy, but it only enriches a selected few. I am all for a policy which helps the poor, regardless of race.

Older Traditional Version
The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter. The Grasshopper thinks the Ant is a fool and laughs & dances & playsthe summer away.

Come winter, the Ant is warm and well fed. The Grasshopper has no foodor shelter so he dies out in the cold.

Modern Malaysian Version

The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter. The Grasshopper thinks the Ant ' s a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.

Come winter, the shivering Grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the Ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving. TV1, TV2 & TV3 show up to provide pictures of the shivering Grasshopper next to a video of the Ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.

The majority of the Malaysian Parliament stunned by the sharp contrast.How can this be that this poor Grasshopper allowed suffering so?

Khairy stages a demonstration in front of the Ant ' s house. Nazri goes on a fast along with other Grasshoppers demanding that Grasshoppers be relocated to warmer climates during winter. Most of the related people criticizes the Malaysia Government for not up holding the fundamental rights of the Grasshopper.

The local news paper & the Internet is flooded with online petitions seeking support to the Grasshopper (many promising Heaven and Everlasting Peace for prompt support as against the wrath of God for non-compliance).

Deputy minister immediately passes a law preventing Ants from working hard in the heat so as to bring about equality of poverty among Ants and Grasshoppers. Hishammudin makes 'More Special Reservation' for Grasshoppers in Educational Institutions & in Government Services.

The Ant; fined for failing to comply with 30% sharing and having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes; its home is confiscated by the Government and handed over to the Grasshopper in a ceremony covered by maju ---------. Prime Minister announces to the whole Malaysia that this is part of the NEP and all have to respect, no question ask and have to follow it.

Many years later The Ant has since migrated to the US and set up a multi-billion dollar company. Hundreds of Grasshoppers still die of starvation despite reservation somewhere in Malaysia because of loosing lot of hard working Ants and feeding the Grasshoppers, Malaysia is still a developing country! Malaysia Boleh!

A long absence

A number of things to update, but all in all, nothing much to shout about. The progress to find a fuck buddy has been halted. No, I still have interest to get a fuck buddy, but most of the response I receive would be from prostitutes or someone looking for a husband. Something in between appears to be difficult.

Working life can be summarized by one word only - Wally. I've been demoted to an executive, with the job scope of a acting Head of Department. Go figure. Firstly, those bozos do not want to pay me for what's worth. The sight the lack of experience but I am now handling tenders which totals up to a billion ringgit without exageration. A bunch of idiots. If they don't trusts someone, they really should just get rid of him or her. So, Nible2 management comes up with some half baked stories, denied me a pay raise and but awards me with more work. Needless to say, I am a first class Wally by now.

I could understand perfectly well why AC has decided to exile me. Heck, when I was pratically heading marketing, I got rid of all the corrupt vendors. Imagine, UPs could still delivery T-shirts with the wrong logo, after being our vendor for the last 10 years. But due to many personal vested interest, my move did not fare well with many. AC was smart. All the idiots were enlisted again. And yes, she went on to appoint some of her mates as vendors. Better still, she blew the year's budget within three months. Ah, well done.

Yes, I am completely demotivated to work for Nible2. I am actively job hunting and playing Facebook games. Am I sad? Heck, of course not. It is just business after all.