
Sunday, 21 November 2010

Reasons why we need Menara Warisan

There have been various protest about the 100-storey building. I think people fail to see why we really need a tall building. There are many benefits:

  1. Tree replacement program. Now that KL city via DBKL has got rid of lots of trees, we still need some shade. What better way than to build a mega structure to provide relief from the hot sun? The shadows will be long and it will benefit many, including some poor squatters.

  2. Flood relief centre. This would be the ideal place for flood victims. The tall tower will be well above the flood waters unless it is of biblical proportions. Flood victims will no longer need to climb above their roofs or cling to trees when it floods. Just climb up Menara Warisan. One can sit there, enjoy the view while awaiting for the floods to subside.

  3. Parking. Yup, believe it or not, Menara Warisan will provide tonnes of parking space to the ever congested city. How? Menara Warisan is not reachable by rail. So, it will start to turn all roads around the Menara Warisan to one large parking bay. Cars will be there for hours before they need to move along. What more? It is free. No need to pay RM 3.50 per hour. Just park your car there and walk the rest of the way. In addition, some areas will just be good as a covered car-park when Menara Warisan cast its shadows on the raped planet.

  4. Malaysian culture. Yes - Menara Warisan is meant to preserve our culture. If you have noticed, it is right next to VI - or Victorian Institute, one of the more prestigious schools of the past era. How on earth can the Melayu Tuans have a VI around? So, there is a need to drive VI out. If such a massive construction work does not drive them out, I am not sure what will. The government is no longer to acquire land by force, as it could turn out to be ugly. So, just drive them out naturally. In an unrelated incident, some of Malaysian's brightest students have fled to Singapore to avoid the pollution from an unnamed mega project.

  5. MACC HQ. The new Menara Warisan could also double up as a MACC head office. It would be highly interesting to see MACC occupying the highest floor of the building. This way, using strong binoculars, MACC officers could keep an eye on many streets to watch up for police officers offering "on the spot settlement" to motorist. MACC hopes to work out a business proposition on profit sharing on this lucrative yet efficient "on-the-spot settlement". MACC could also inform the police when a traffic offence takes place, helping both parties to increase revenue from traffic offenders.

  6. No Autopsy Cost. With MACC on the top floor, bodies of unfortunate witnesses could be thrown out, sorry, I mean suicide, ... more efficiently. MACC "suicide victims" could enjoy a clear view of KL before taking the final plunge. MACC hopes that the atmospheric friction will burn up the body. In any case, any remains will just be a red stain on the background, avoiding the long drawn controversies seen in the Teoh Beng Hock case. This will also eliminate the need to bring in foreign experts to perform autopsies, thus saving the public purse from unnecessary funds outflow to UK and Thailand.
These are the only few key benefits that I could think of. I am sure there are many more. Do leave your comments to add to the list here. Let's support a mega project.

Zaid ... a true NEP product

Well, Zaid Ibrahim is busy quitting PKR. It is turning out to be a long drawn affair. Well, from what I could see, Zaid is a true product of NEP. He has the hand-out mentality. To be fair, he is not alone. He expected to be someone, to win the PKR elections. He has not worked his way up (hack, he just joined recently), but yet, he expects something. The true handout mentality. I am sure there are plenty of other candidates, with a longer track record who can serve better. Even MP Loh Gwo Burne has been with PKR for longer periods.

This mentality has also infected businesses. People get promoted on seniority, rather than on achievements. Many times, a engineer is simple promoted to be a manager. In my view, it would be better they remain in engineer with a higher salary for more responsibilities. Why? Most of the time, they make horrible managers. Don't blame them - they were never trained for it.

How many companies look at the record of a true professional? For example, number of research papers, number of citation, presentations, patents, publications? Almost never, especially for Malaysian companies. Some MNCs do. As for the rest the hand-out mentality rules. If I have graduated with a First Class Honours, I expect a good salary. I say, eff that. You work for it.

It is high time both political and the commercial mindset be changed. No one should just sit there and expect to be voted. In Zaid's case, what has he done? Has he a draft of proposed legal admentments should he be elected Prime Minister? How does he plan to clean up the judiciary? How many pro-bono cases is he representing now? What are his contributions to the rakyat? To the nation?

A true hero in this field would be no other than Mr. Karpal Singh. Yup - always DAP. Worked hard. Stayed in DAP. ISA didn't stop him. Ops Lalangs did not worry him. He fights. Represents victims of injustice (Teoh Beng Hock, the Seremban mechanic murder case, and many others). I can only be thankful to see Gobind having such great values. I don't think Zaid even helped in Anwar's sodomy II case.

Well, this is what happens to NEP, ketuanan Melayu, UMNO politics and more handouts. Frankly, I doubt it if the non-Malays want NEP removed. Why make real competitors? The current bunch is just good for business.

Sri Muda Massage

Been to this massage a few months ago - and I cannot even remember if I have written about it. Well, there is this massage , corner shop, 1st floor. It is at Taman Sri Muda, near Jalan Suci 25/83. The name of this one is Aromaz Resources. It can be seen from the main road. I was there late, at about 11.30pm.

I was welcomed by a middle age lady, large size. She's sloppy. Quickly lead me to the room and started the massage. The massage itself is RM 50, kind of expensive for a place like Sri Muda. She's Thai, by the way. The massage was OK. But she was pushing real hard to 'sell' me the extras - basically a handjob. I said no thanks. I doubt it very much if my privates would even get hard.

She kept telling me how important it would be for a massage at the private part, la la la. I said no. She dropped the price to RM 30, then RM 20. I still said no. Guess what, she said, massage over. It was only 40 minutes.

Didn't even bother to see if she changed the sheets - because I am pretty sure I will not return. Better place to spend my money.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Review Request?

Well, I hereby avail myself to review of massage services (no, not fuck-shops). Drop me a note, and I will check it out if it is within my budget, distance and of course schedule.

All post / messages to me will not be online until I have approved it. If you wish to PM me, just post a message and note that it is a private message. I will ensure it is not made available online.

USJ Taipan Massage

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Sunday, 7 November 2010

Tender Touch Massage, Kota Kemuning

I got the itch yesterday for a massage. So, off I went to this place in Kota Kemuning. I have been noticing it for a number of times when I am in Kota Kemuning for banking. So, why not give it a try?

At first look, the place has a hallmark of a 'fuck shop', if you get what I mean. It has CCTV at the main door and there is the usual magnetic lock on the door. Upon entering, I found the place to be nicely decorated. Price for full body massage is RM 55 per hour, or RM 100 for two hours. New to the place, I would just go for the one hour massage. Just in case it turns out to be a torture.

I massuer I was 'given' is new in Malaysia. The massage is OK. I would rate it about 6.5 out of 10. Not painful. More relaxing. She was somewhat abrupt with some moves, but over all it is OK. No offer for urut batin / handjob. That's OK. I was hoping to get a massage for my little brother too.

The most horrible part was after the massage. The gal did not bother to change the sheets. She merely re-adjusted the sheets. Ewwww. I really cannot understand why they would cut cost by not washing the sheets. Surely there is still sufficient profits. If you must re-use the sheets, do not do it in front of the customers.

Will I return? Nope. Not clean. Still prefer my usual place in USJ.