
Friday 2 May 2008

First Class Idiots

Will the driver / owner of WPK 6393, a black Toyota Vios, please identify yourself? I have just received this in an email. No idea who the photographer is, but I would sure as heck like to find out who the driver was.

The location is obviously the newly renovated Sunway Pyramid car park. It's Level B1, pillar K13.

The driver of this car is what I term a First Class Idiot. Now, should someone present the owner with the appropriate medal?

What kind of person would do such a thing? Once again, my mind boggles. Would you want this person to be your lover? Or your boss? Or your employee? What kind of hurry was this driver in? Or is the driver physically handicapped? I doubt so, because there are no signs on the car to say that the driver is handicapped (usually they have a sign to inform other drivers).

This only re-enforces my believe that we need a serious paradigm shift. Why does everyone wants to be the most pretty, the most good looking, the slimmest, have the longest penis, have a nice car, be rich? Why don't we all want to be more passionate? More caring? A loving husband / boyfriend / girlfriend. What good is a longer penis if they are inconsiderate? Or driving around with a good looking car but behaving like a goon?

Even on Facebook, applications are only about getting rich, building more cities. The application Owned, for example, is all about getting rich. I wish there was a way for this application to donate my 'lunch money' to my friends. Why not? I love a gal. Instead of having a bidding war, I just give all my 'lunch money' to her.

Today, I've just added the application 'City' or something like that. Once again, I do not find the "mass migrate" feature. What if I want to send the citizens of my imaginary city to another city to help them build-up their place? And heck, everyone wants to build up their 'city'. Why not preserve the place? Build parks? As for my city. I want to be the most compassionate. I welcome all citizens, including mass murderers, beggars, nuclear scientist, flying terrorist and yes, even engineers. At this stage, I cannot help but to wonder what happens if I send a bunch of my compassionate citizens to another city!

Trying not to loose any faith in humanity, I am trying very hard to believe that this photograph was staged. What do you think?

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