
Saturday 18 October 2008

The grass is greener

How's my new job, I hear a lot of friends asking. Well, a Mr. Yoong puts it the best. The grass is greener on the other side, but it is also harder to swallow.

It is a new industry for me, so, there is hell a lot to learn. I am use to the international business scene - domestic is a new creature to me. New bosses have a high expectation, which isn't good - because it means I can no longer be Wally.

To make things worse, there is these new culture shock. The shock of switching from XP to Vista. I still think XP is better. Vista is really Windows for idiots (aren't we all idiots when we use Windows). Great for my grandmother but hey, for the engineers, etc - this is an insult to our intelligence. I still believe in good old UNIX / LINUX.

Then, I have the shock of using Office 2007. A very over-rated type-writer. Page break is in one tab. Section break is another. What the eff. The bloody page number is a nuisance. You can never get it to number pages you want - it just numbers it for idiots. (You try counting down from iii, ii, i - then Page 1!). The damn thing doesn't do it. Page 1 must always be the first sheet. Ok - now they allow the second sheet to be Page 1 - by starting count with Page 0. But guess what - the last page will be Page 9 out of 10 - coz, it starts counting from 0, but the total pages is actually total sheets. Bloody idiots.

Compounded with the culture of the small workplace - e.g. "one leg kick" aka doing everything on my own, it sure takes some adjusting. There is also the new software X1 (cool searching tool), Mozilla (tonnes better than IE), Googles Doc (hate to say it, but I prefer Office! Then again, I think LATEX is the best), and Google Mail. You know, Google Mail is just plain silly. You cannot delay a single email. Say, I have this long thread of business email. Then, I get some returned mail (wrong email add, etc) - and I just cannot delete those returned email. Who the heck wants some junk to polute a otherwise perfect thread of emails? Buggers me.

OK - enough of bitching. It's the weekend and generally, I am enjoying it. Will be meeting up with H tomorrow. Yummy!

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