
Thursday, 22 March 2012

Why Don't I trust Lynas?

I will be objective here. There have been accusation that emotions are running high, and what not. So, let me quote this article by one Melinda Mazhar. No clue who she is.

Melinda boldly names it "The TRUTH about Lynas". In her rebuttal of opposition for Lynas, she goes to state the following:

Malaysia’s law on radiological safety and health is AT PAR if not STRICTER THAN any of those used internationally. Lynas has never proposed the used of any China’s standard.

That's just an opinion. It's not a fact. The way to state fact is, to list our and compare, side by side, of the safety standards in Malaysia and those of Australia, for example.

Malaysia regulatory requirements IS EQUAL TO or STRICTER THAN that of Australia’s.

Again, any one can just say that. Please state the facts. A side by side comparison would be great.

ARE uses monazite as raw material and Lynas DO NOT use monazite. Lynas’s raw material radioactivity is 37 times LESS than ARE. Lynas residue is 60 time LESS radioactive than ARE.

More 'comparisons'. Why not state the exact radioactivity and how many times it's above natural occurring and acceptable limits. You want an atomic bomb 60 times LESS radioactive than Little Boy (the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima) to be detonated in Canberra? Get my point? Just saying it "less radioactive" is not the whole truth. It is a fact - but hey - that's only part of the picture.

An under liner leak detection system (ULLDS) monitors and detects any possible leak.

Oh sure. Bhopal had detectors too. The question is - who is really monitoring it? Yeah - do tell us the facts. Would the readings be made public, and done by a third party, accredited lab?

All process areas are built on BUNDED CONTAINMENT CONCRETE structure. Any acid spill will be contained in the bund and WILL NOT come into contact with the ground.

Oh sure. Melinda - you ever heard of the phrase "over-flow"? Now, why don't you present the facts of - the capacity of the containment bund; and the capacity of the tanks / process? Then, we can judge if it will overflow or not.

Statistic from Ministry of Health 2007 shows that cancer prevalence is 720 cases per million. BEFORE LYNAS the, estimated fatal cancer from background radiation at Lynas site is 35 cases per million. With Lynas in operation, based on the 0.002 mSv/y, the estimated fatal cancer is 0.1 case per million.

Errr. How can the operation of Lynas actually lower the cancer rate from 35 cases per million to 0.1 cases per year? Shouldn't then we building Lynas all over the world? It's only logical to say - at best - Lynas does not increase the cancer rate; or cancer rate remains the same. But to actually lower cancer rate? Sounds like snake oil to me.

Radon and Thoron are radioactive gases with VERY SHORT HALF LIVES AND WILL NOT TRAVEL FAR. Once formed, these radionuclides will immediately transform into solid and cannot travel at significant distances from its base

This is my favourite. Melinda, what exactly is 'very short half lives'? Compared to the age of the universe? Oh sure - radon has very short half live - 3.5 days. Radon is a gas - a fact you forgot to mention. If the wind blows - how far will radon travel in 3.5 days? I'm willing to bet, it can reach KL. Then the next statement - once 'these radionuclides' ... ah. The 'these' is in fact, not radon. Radon decays in 3.5 days. "These" refer to the decay products of radon. Radon, as I have stated, is a gas.

The part you say that "these" - referring to the decay products of radon but not radon itself -  radionuclides will transform into solids is true. Now, what is "significant distances"? 3km? To the moon and back? Ah. Moving on, let me now quote Wikipedia (not the best - but widely accepted as a good reference) "Radon daughters are solids and stick to surfaces such as dust particles in the air. If contaminated dust is inhaled, these particles can stick to the airways of the lung and increase the risk of developing lung cancer". 

Ah. Sure - they form particles and they cannot travel far - but you forgot to mention they stick to dust and once inhaled, can cause lung cancer.

At the end of the decay chain - it 'becomes' lead. It may not be radioactive, but why do you think we remove lead from petrol? Why are we using 'unleaded' petrol? That's because, lead is harmful to the environment and of course, harmful to us. More facts - left out by Melinda.

So, with all these 'facts' being presented - how on earth are we to trust that Lynas is safe?  Melinda - if you must put a spin to things, please remember two rules:
  1. Do not assume your readers are all idiots.
  2. Please bullshit professionally.
How to bullshit professionally:
  1. Able to quote from other professionals' work
  2. Make references 
  3. Links to references / proper bibliography

Open Letter to Nick Curtis

Dear Chief Executive of Lynas,

This article refers:

Firstly, please stop insulting the intelligence of Malaysians. I quote "But again, I have to turn to the facts: Rare earths are not a bad product, they are a good product", which is allegedly said by you. We all understand that the rare earth products are good. It's the bloody waste that we are worried about. Nick, please stop making such statements. It's really an insult to our intelligence. Contrary to popular believe, we understand the difference between product and waste material.

Anyway, enough of debate. My suggestion is really simple. Please submit the whole plan for approval by the any Australian government, state or Federal. The submission shall be as if the same plant is to be built in any part of Australia and her territories, Cocos Island included. If the approval is obtained, then, please go ahead with LAMPS in Kuantan. Lynas does not have to build a plant in Australia. Just get the approvals. That way, we Malaysians, would be assured that the plant is safe and it does meet the standards of your own backyard.

Yours truly,
Uncle Hamsap Gold Fish aka Wally

Monday, 19 March 2012

Birth Control

Here's a style of birth control, just for the heck of it.

Hey. There isn't anything hamsap / dirty about the pics, OK? It's just that we have dirty minds.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Tit for Tat

Well, mystery solved. This is why guys like to look at boobs. Staring is rude, but we just cannot help it.

Eye Candy. But is there more?

It's great to look at. Don't get me wrong - I kindda like it too. But here's my feedback, there is something lacking. Think about it (guys - with your big head). All they have is:
  • Somewhat slim body
  • Make-up
  • Put on bra / panties / lingerie
  • Look cute
  • Show boobs and display cleavage
Did I miss anything? I think, that's all. It's fine if they take the photos for fun. It's a tragedy if they think they can be a model or actually be famous just on that. Really, there isn't much skills. Not much of a pose. Not much emotion. As far as boobs and looks are are concern in these photos, it could be any of these:
  • Real thing. If not, see next item.
  • Good bra. But as what guys say about WonderBra ("When you remove the bra, you wonder where all the cleavage went. That's why it is called WonderBra").
  • Good surgeon
  • Good photographer
  • And even better Photoshop skills
It's hard for them to make it big. Hard to be different. Almost anyone (guys included), can get boobs. It's just option B or C. That's it. What keeps the competition at bay?

Sometimes, guys and even gals say...Uncle Gold Fish - you see that gal there. Nice boobs. How come you are not interested. Here's why:
  1. I have no idea if the boobs are real or not. 
  2. After all, attitude is more important to me.
  3. It's not the size. It's how well they use the tools. 
  4. If they can suck a golf ball through a garden hose - of course I am VERY interested.
Do compare the above, with my next two entries. That's what I am trying to say.

Credits to the models and the photographer. Yes, they do look cute and sweet. I do not know them personally. This post is bona-fide, with the hope that they can be different and make it big. I sincerely wish them well.

International Talent

And some international talents:

Terry Fator is one of my favourites. Hard to believe he can master his voice so well. And how the Hoff reacted.

Stumbled upon this video, and I just could not stop watching it. Wow. How many times have they practiced to be this good? This synchronized? And how they dance to the music.

And how could she sit and sing - almost like without effort. Yet, her voice is so strong. Yeah sure - the singing and video can be recorded separately. I know. She sure has talent, something different, and has won her many awards. Again, my point is simple - at the end of the day, it is talent, hard work, passion and dedication that wins it all. Imagine her, over all the other sexy, boobs-showing artistes. Don't get me wrong - I do like eye-candy, but being eye-candy can only take someone that far.

Talent & Hardwork

This is talent, hard-work, dedication and passion.

Most of us cannot even get half of it done. Not many can do it. If I tried it, I would probably end up claiming my insurance. Let's just say, I prefer to stick to what I do best. I am sure most of us would envy her. Most of us would go wow. She doesn't have to show boobs. Just skills and passion.

Why am I featuring all these? To share with all the pretty gals and guys out there. There is really more than just good looks. As in my newer posts, I will state that if it is just looks - a monkey with enough make up will look good too.

The same is true for whatever we do. There must be passion. A classic is "Why are you an engineer?". "Because my father asked me to". Compare this to "Because my father told me not to be an engineer. I still did it because that's my passion"

Some are lucky. They have the same passion and talent. Some of us are not so lucky - which makes work a real chore. But whatever it is, we must be different to succeed. Be unique.

Credits to Angeline Ong. Hope she doesn't mind being featured in my "partially" hamsap blog.

Massage in USJ Taipan

It's sad. Ad HCare in USJ 9 is closed - for about 3 months now. That's my favourite massage place. No hanky panky. Just good, skillful massage. Good thing, I have managed to locate my fav massage lady. She is now in another branch in SS2. That's far, but if I need a good (proper) massage, I will go there. Fees are the same - RM 90 for two hours. And I will tip her. It did take me a good amount of hunting to track her. 

The other place, of course is my USJ 10 massage - Natural Care. S is still there - and as always, a very naughty massage. Was there last week, and again this week. When I walked in, she will strip me. Then, starts molesting me. Of course, she will be almost naked by then too. Can't seem to take her hands off my didi, always saying she likes it big. 

Business must be bad too. Natural Care has reduced its rates. It was RM 100 for 2 hours of body massage. It is about RM 80 now. That's quite a big drop.

Massages aside, times are bad. The economy is shit. The government is doing nothing but dishing out our money. No policies. Not much hope with these bunch. Even the not-so-legal massage centres have been hit. They usually say - sex sells. The observation is : sure sex sells, but it is selling a lot less.

Favourite Position

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Banned Book on Sex (Education)

Late Feb 2012, someone complained to the government. As a result, a book that has been selling for sometime, was banned. The book in question is "Where Did I Come From?". Reason for ban: Too graphical. 

This book, has over 2 million copies sold. Been around since 1984. All because of a complain, the government bans it.It is sold worldwide. I doubt it created 2 million (or more, since the same copy can be shared among siblings) rapist.

This is absurd. This book is meant to educate children on sex. Like it or not, it is better to educate kids properly. It's better than poor info, like porn. As a result, they will watch porn, and end up raping their own sisters. So, it's better to tell the truth early.

I also agree that it may be too graphical. Every child is different in mental and emotional development. Different kids, different approach.  But my point is this. It is up to the parents to judge and decide what is best for their kids. Not the bloody government to ban every damn thing every time there is a complain. Just as my previous post, some idiots have now banned the jelly-like stuff for plants. Just because some parents are careless and let their kids eat it. And I just read, a kid drowned in Titiwangsa lake because he / she slipped and fell. So, drain the lake and build a condo?

Likewise, this book should be a resource available to parents. Parents can use this book as an aide to teach their children.

Some people would say, "But what if a kid walks into a bookshop, and stumbles upon it?" "What if she buys it without the parents' knowledge?". Here's my response and it is not kind.

Hello stupid. If that happens, please thank the good Lord. (Whatever your religion is). You know, how many parents are praying their kids will read??? Or actually study? So, if your kid walks into MPH and actually buys a book, you should be rejoicing. Not bloody whine. If you are still worried, please get your kid a bicycle or a motorbike. Then, he can go rempit or be a Mat Basikal. Ah. So, what's your problem? Like I've said, if a child reads, please thank the Lord for prayers answered. 

In the grand scale of things, an alleged video clip of Anwar fucking a prostitute was aired, prime time, on TV3. Then, all the main-stream newspapers gives a very graphically description on what was in allegedly in Saiful's anus ("half a football team...."). So, what more can I say? Vote BN?

Over my years, I have heard so many incorrect comments / misinformation about sex. Some of them are:
  1. It's OK to have sex without condom. Just don't come / shoot inside - and girl won't get pregnant. Yeah right. Pre-cum has sperm too. There is still a risk of getting pregnant. And, what if the guy doesn't pull out anyway? Another case of baby-dumping?
  2. Oral sex can get a girl pregnant. (How our education system has failed miserably).
  3. Sex is just for play, without knowing the consequences. (pregnancy, disease). "Main saje lah..."
  4. Having sex once can get the girl pregnant many times. I have actually heard people (aka friends) arguing about this before. Not once.
  5. On the other extreme end "But I did it only once.... how come pregnant?". Errr... stupid, it takes only one sperm and one egg... If there are two sperms and two eggs, you will end up with twins.
  6. If I get pregnant, sure he will marry me. (You woke up this morning and your toaster told you that?)
So, would you want your kids to make these mistakes? Would we want other kids to make these mistakes? My answer is, no. If kids have babies without proper guidance and knowledge, one day, the babies will grow up. Some of them could end up with various social problems, like robbing me. And that's how it affects all of us. That's why I am bitching about this, even when I do not have kids. All of us are affected.

The Perfect Melons

Well, I always admire the Japanese. To them, everything is an art. The art of perfection. And today, the perfect melons got my attention.

Just look at those melons. All of the same shape, same size and at the same height! How did he achieve that? And check out the way he touches the melon. Oh. If only I could get my hands, and lips on them. Mind you, they are not cheap.

As an aside, what the heck where you thinking about when you read the phrase "perfect melons"?

Who's the Lazy Ass?

Well, let's look at this:

This was taken from FourSquare, about McD at Kota Kemuning.

The link is: McD Kota Kemuning, Four Squares

My problem
Here's my problem. This "Hui X" represents failure. The failure of our education system. The failure of parenthood. The failure of self discipline. The failure of good up-bringing. 

Really. Who is the "lazy peeps". Why can't we clean after ourselves when we are done? It could be done eating, or done using the toilet. Instead, we expect others to clean after our mess. I still remember, when I was in Melbourne as an undergraduate, almost everyone cleared their own table when they are done. No one made a mess of out the place. Yes, occasionally the staff would come wipe the tables, and clean up any remaining food debris.  

Instead, we always have this idea that the "Mat Sallehs" are lazy, undisciplined, too open-minded. But when it comes to a simple act of clearing the table when they are done, they can do it. Not us. Don't believe me? Go sit in a McD and watch. Regardless of how pretty, or how stylish his suit can be, it is the same poor attitude. Of course, this Hui X takes it to the next level, by bitching at staff not clearing the customer's mess. Hello. McD is a self-service place.

I have no idea who this Hui X is. You can check it out. This is why sometimes, my friends say "Hey. Why don't you hook up with that gal? So pretty." Yeah right. Any monkey with enough make up will be pretty. But attitude? A monkey is always a monkey. Period.

If you have a son, or a daughter, please teach them to be responsible. This really is what responsibility means. Cleaning up our own mess. Get real. The Indon maids won't be here anymore. It's time anyway. Isn't it sickening to read comments like Hui X?

Most importantly, do you clear your own table after your meal at McD? I do.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Malaysian Style of "Quitting"

In Japan, if someone brings shame to his organization, chances are, he will commit hara-kiri. It takes a lot of guts (no pun intended). It's about taking responsibility.

Now, let's talk about Boleh-land. Lately, everyone is saying - Shahrizat is ready to resign / quit. Sounds like she did the right thing.

Then, there is this SC Chief - Zarinah Anwar - also to quit after the E&O share scandal which, incidentally, involved her husband.

The major problem I have is this. This is purely a spin. Shahrizat didn't quit. Her bloody term as senator expired. Same for Zarinah. Her term expired. She didn't leave office on her own will. So, this kind of reporting makes them look so honourable. When in actual fact, it's nothing much a scam.

It's like someone busy stuffing himself with nasi lemak, till he drops dead from a heart attack. Or some old Ah Pek on Viagra having a threesome till his heart gave out.  Next day, it is reported as "He died fighting for his country". My ass.