
Thursday, 22 March 2012

Open Letter to Nick Curtis

Dear Chief Executive of Lynas,

This article refers:

Firstly, please stop insulting the intelligence of Malaysians. I quote "But again, I have to turn to the facts: Rare earths are not a bad product, they are a good product", which is allegedly said by you. We all understand that the rare earth products are good. It's the bloody waste that we are worried about. Nick, please stop making such statements. It's really an insult to our intelligence. Contrary to popular believe, we understand the difference between product and waste material.

Anyway, enough of debate. My suggestion is really simple. Please submit the whole plan for approval by the any Australian government, state or Federal. The submission shall be as if the same plant is to be built in any part of Australia and her territories, Cocos Island included. If the approval is obtained, then, please go ahead with LAMPS in Kuantan. Lynas does not have to build a plant in Australia. Just get the approvals. That way, we Malaysians, would be assured that the plant is safe and it does meet the standards of your own backyard.

Yours truly,
Uncle Hamsap Gold Fish aka Wally

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