
Sunday 23 November 2008

More Apek stories

The other day, I was out for lunch with a bunch of colleagues. As a Mr. Y puts it, if they start speaking in Chinese, you know you are in shit trouble. The conversation was about the new law in Malaysia, requiring back-seat passengers to buckle up. It started when they asked me why I buckled up. Before I could answer, some wild ideas where thrown about.

Fact of the matter is, this is a good habit I picked up from Australia when I was there for four years. But my colleagues started to concur that the new law is just a way for the police to collect more bribes, and started to debate would the passenger or the driver be fined should a violation occur. I went, what the eff. They appear to be hell a lot more worried about the RM 50 bribe when it is their body (supposedly priceless) flying about in the car or hurting the passengers in front.

This is the biggest problem I've noticed about the 'Malaysian' (more like Asian) mentality. People do things for all the wrong reasons. The buckle up because of the police. What the eff. Honestly, the police is more worried about having to deal with the mess of having to pick up someone's brains in a traffic accident. Then again, some of them won't have much brains to start off with.

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