
Wednesday 14 September 2011

Chief Racist

It really saddens and angers me when people make very racist statements. In this case, a chap (sometimes nicknamed "Mamak-kutty") is making more racist remarks.

Let me quote " I hope the Budget will strike a balance between the treatment of the Malays and non-Malays" Shit. What the fuck? He cannot even bring himself to say "I hope the budget will strike a balance for all Malaysians"?

He would still rather say "Malays and non-Malays" instead of Malaysians. What a racist. You mean, besides Malays and non-Malays, there is the "third kind" (aliens?) in this country? A typical mamak-kutty whom is a disgrace to his Bangla roots.

1 comment:

Ann Summerville said...

So sad that someone can alienate people with a few words.