
Saturday 17 September 2011

Marketing Problem

The biggest problem with MCA or BN - marketing. See - the above is Wee Ka Siong's blog. The entire blog is in .... Mandarin. Guess what, this banana-man over here (no reference to my penis), cannot understand nor read Chinese (and that includes my penis).

Think about it - how many with internet access, IT savvy that can read Chinese? And now, compare it to - how many that can read English. Then, compare it to Bahasa Malaysia. No wonder they are losing all the urban votes. Take a cue from McD or Coke. What language do is the menu in?

Sure - some say, it is for a targeted audience of Chinese only. Given that we are becoming more Malaysian than ever, is this still a smart move?

Guess somethings are destined to join the dodos.

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