
Saturday, 27 October 2012

Censorship In the Workplace

Could I say that most of us disagree to censorship? And we support free-speech? I would think so. I personally hate censorship. But alas, it happens very often in the workplace and some of us are guilty of promoting censorship in the workplace.

Last week, I got an instruction: Please don't talk to the executives. Instead, go through their managers. Otherwise, the executives will be confused. They won't know how to listen to. They will carry out work without authorization from their managers. This results in executives doing work that their managers have no knowledge of, or have a different priority for.

Now, think about it. It is sure logical. Come on, how many of us (if you are in management) do that? Vendors, consultants, staff from other departments, need to talk to you first instead of directly to your down-line?

I know, I know - it's logical. But please, re-read - very carefully, the text in italics. 

Now, what's the root cause of the problem? The root cause is any of the following:
  • Executives fail to discuss work plan with manager (before taking action on feedback executive has received).
  • Poor manager - executive relationship. If the relationship was good, surely the executives will discuss work with their manager effectively.
  • Executives failed to analysis and think critically on feedback / discussion made in the meetings. Instead, some of them swallow hook, line and sinker; then making changes to their work plan without informing their manager.
  • Executives fail to understand that they must report their work / minutes of meeting to their managers.
This illustrates what happens when I talk to the executives directly, in meetings.  None of it, is because I talked directly to the Executives. I did not tell them to rebel against their Managers. Neither did I dictate orders to them. Even if I did, they should have the brains to think about it. So, the Managers have mixed up cause and effect. The cause, is the four points which I have stated. Effect of course, is the paragraph in italics.

So, they say - yup - the most logical thing is, stop his Uncle from talking to the Executives. It's like banning arm pits shown on Malaysian TV - as some horny old goat might rape their grand-daughters after seeing the arm-pits or some cleavage. Absolute nut case. But, are we being nut-cases ourselves in the office? Do we issue such instructions to our subordinates (executives)?

Executives must be trained and groomed to be Senior Executives, and perhaps even Managers in days to come. One must not keep them in the dark, keep them isolated from opinions and feedback, and censor input to their professional minds. Executives must be able to think, review and discuss matters. If they were just a dumb bunch taking instructions from a supervisor, that would be a operator (factory workers) - supervisor relationship. Do we really want them that dumb? And then bitch about how hopeless staff is?

If you do find that the paragraph in italics is true, then coach your Executives properly. Not just hide them away from the real world. Send them to more meetings (without their Managers present), ask them to talk more to vendors, consultants, etc. Then, coach them on how to manage such feedback or instructions. Instill on them the importance to discuss things with the team (including the Manager) before unilaterally changing work plans and what not. That's how to solve the problem.

Of course, some say - my executive is too stupid for that. I better hide them. Well, who's the stupid one? The one who hired Mr. Idiot or Mr Idiot? And on top of that, if the Manager was that smart, surely he is smart enough to even teach and coach Mr. Idiot. And if Mr. Idiot is being a real Mr. Idiot despite the best training and coaching - for heaven sake, please fire him. What do you keep real idiots around for? Keeping him isolated doesn't make him smart - he is still an idiot. (Assuming he is a real idiot). Either way, censorship is not the solution.(just like the horny old goat - instead of raping grand daughters when they see cleavage, now they might just rape after seeing dogs copulate or a pussy cat licking itself. All the censorship has failed to get rid of the real problem. If anything, it makes it worse. Give them some hardcore porn, the only injury would be to their own wrist).

The real solution is to have more 'free speech', and not more censorship. I certainly hope this has helped. Do think about it, seriously.

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