
Friday 19 December 2008

Be careful with what we wish for

Not too many moons ago, Malaysians were wishing for cheaper petrol. Wish granted, together with a stinky economy. The moral of the story? Be careful with what we wish for.

I am also very surprised to learn - not many know how the economy works. Yet, without a clue, they invest heaps in share markets, or in bonds. They have no clue how it works. No clue how others scam the system. And more would even scam the scam. That would be me.

I have manage to make some money out of the down turn. I sure hope to make more from the stock market. But the thing is, if one doesn't know how it works, please don't dump your money there. Any vendor (that's the guy selling stocks, your broker or a unit trust agent) would never say their goods are not good. It is their job to say they sell the best. So, be smart. Learn more, before you part with your money for good.

One of my friends lost more than RM 100,000 in the stock market. She bought Timedotcom shares when it was high and when the main shareholders - UEM was selling like no tomorrow. Now, she's stuck with them. I told her last year to just get rid of all her shares and keep cash. She told her friends, and my friends, that I was a nutcase. Told her again to sell it in February - she said she wanted to keep it because of some losses. I told her to cut loss and just sell. She didn't. In the end, by September, she asked me for some serious advice. I told her to sell. She did. It didn't go down any further, but at least she has some cash now.

I am no economic expert, but the signs where there. Reserve banks started to raise interest rates last year, signalling a overheated economy. That's the sign to sell. When the Reserve Banks cut interest rates - it means shit has happened. I am no expert, but I just listen to the governors. They may not be 100% accurate, but they sure know hell a lot more than I do, in terms of economics at least.

Nett nett - just be careful with what we wish for. It might just come true.

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