Here's something I cannot truly understand. Why put photos of you in close contact with other guys?
On a dating website? At first sight, I doubt any guys would want to know your previous relationship(s). The future relationship matters (for the guy who is looking for a possible gf online).
Looks intimate, with a hunk wrapping his arms around her.
And yeah - another guy? This guy looks bald.
Who's baby is that?
If these were your best and happiest pictures - why did you leave him? Or was it he left you?
You really could not get another picture? Or at least get a friend to do some photoshop?
I find it really awkward looking at profiles (on with such pics. I do not even know you, and yet - you are telling so much. Not in a good way. Why not just focus on you and me?
Equally awkward are pictures with mothers. Sure, I can understand, you are a good daughter. But let's talk about the first date first. There is a time and place as far as mother-in-laws are concerned.
Other bad photos are cropped out group photos. Those cut - and - paste kind of cropping. It doesn't matter if it is a group of girls or guys, but to the very least, put some effort in the photos. Doesn't have to be the studio type with lots of make up.
Of course, do not hide facts or lie. But surely, we all know there is a time and place (might I add, the RIGHT time and place) for everything. So, please get some better pics and put in on your profile. Else, forget the pictures.
Of course, do not hide facts or lie. But surely, we all know there is a time and place (might I add, the RIGHT time and place) for everything. So, please get some better pics and put in on your profile. Else, forget the pictures.
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