
Tuesday 5 August 2008

Safety First

Well well, a short post. Terengganu Gov raised the issue - they wanted another car because of cost. But really, why hasn't anyone debated about safety. After all, it should be Safety First.

That's it. I wonder how safe are Proton cars. There is absolutely no emphasis on car safety in Malaysia. Proton Waja is one of the safest proton cars. But the results are at best, 3 star only - out of 5 stars. Ok, it is better than some China made cars, but really - after so many years in the industry - when will they do better? If the government is serious about road safety, lets force all cars, local and imported, to under-go crash tests. And PUBLISH the results. Now, I love to see that!

Some respond by saying that Malaysians not driving Protons are unpatriotic. I think manufacturing Milo-tins on wheels, aka coffin on wheels, isn't patriotic either. Frankly, I rather not die for my country this way!

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