
Monday 18 February 2008

General Elections

Well well, less than a month, the general elections will be held in Malaysia. This brings only one item to mind:

Politicians, like diapers, should be changed often for the same reason!

How true. Yes, that was a popular saying in Australia and I certainly subscribe to it.

The key problem in Malaysia is, the ruling party holds more seats that absolute majority (way more than 2/3s of Parliament). As such, they could freely pass and ammend any laws. There is no check and balance. The ruling party will always say:

"Any member of the party can object to the proposed Bill, so, there is no need for the Opposition", said during election time.

In reality, which has happened in the past, members who were against the proposed Bill would be disciplined for 'not towing the party's line'. So, there is a clear need for a stronger opposition.

The Opposition, on the other had, is not entirely without flaws. In house fighting among the opposition parties are common. They also have a lack of clear direction, a manifest for the people. They are, oh well, very good opposition.

So, now, the big question. Who should I vote for? Sadly, yours truly will not be voting - I would be on business to Germany. Bummer. And I have been waiting five years for this opportunity to exercise my rights. Thank goodness I get laid way more often!

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