
Wednesday 2 April 2008


Just came back from me holidays in Bali with H. That was fun, involved a lot of 'drilling', if you get what I mean.

Last Tuesday, I got more drilling than I've bargained for. Meet up with the 19 year old virgin, who asked me to do her. Well, I did meet up with her, and yes, there was a lot drilling involved in the end, but it wasn't the kind I had in mind. For one reason or another, the 19-year old got cold feet and didn't want sex. I respected that.

So, what the heck was I to do with the rest of the day off? There was a nagging problem which I have been putting off for sometime, so, I've decided to tackle it head on today. I was feeling brave (or some could say stupid). I went to the dentist.

One tooth, was giving me hell occasionally, especially when food was stuck in it. I suspected it was my wisdom tooth. It has been in pain on and off for the last few months. So, today, I visited my 3rd dentist for the same problem.

This dentist was very professional and found out that I had a severe tooth decay - the tooth just in front of the wisdom tooth. Darn. Root canal was required - I didn't want to loose a tooth just yet. So, I needed up being drilled, by a male dentist, for about two hours. Bloody hell. How sexy could that be? It was definitely not what I had in mind when I met up with the virgin earlier.

The nurse? Forget her. I nearly yelled at her - I had to take the X-ray three times because she was using the wrong solution to develop the film. Think I could glow in the dark now.

The bright side is, no more pain, but I am due for more drilling - by the bloody dentist that is. Sigh.

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