
Saturday 19 April 2008

Out of the world experience

I am trying to date this gal, let's call her Wendy. She's about 23, superb body, cute and pretty face, single and available. She is doing an accountancy course in a private college. She's a nice gal.
Dating her is definitely an out of the world experience. Or should I say, trying to date her is just an experience. One will never forget it. A typical conversation, would go like this:
Me: Hey, Wendy, had your lunch?
Wendy: I just came back from classes.
Heck, I asked about lunch and the reply was classes. I use to eat in lectures, so there isn't much of a correlation between classes and lunch. Sometimes, or more often than not, people just skip lunch. Leaves me wondering.
Me: Wanna go for a movie today?
Wendy: But yesterday you said you were not free?
What the heck. Who cares what I said yesterday. I did say I was not free tomorrow, but who said anything about today? And why care about what I said yesterday, unless of course, yesterday, I promised to marry her before trying to get her pregnant. No such fun because I was in bed with a sore tooth - or the lack of a wisdom tooth.
Me: What time are you free?
Wendy: Hmmm....but what do you want to buy in Jusco?
What the fuck. I have no idea how the questions and the answer is even related. I wanted to tell her I needed some condoms to do her. But that would be a lie. I rather do her without condoms! Just kidding. Safe sex is important. And I do not want to get her pregnant. Imagine - having two kids just like her. Oh boy. I would have to take the vow of silence for the rest of my life.
Me: I'm online now. Wanna chat?
Wendy: But you are busy.
What the fuck. If I am busy, surely I would not ask her to chat online. Anyway, if I asked her to chat online, I could not be that busy. I could be busy chatting up five gals, but what the heck, I could manage another. She seems badly confused.
I say, at any one time, I rather date a less pretty, a more matured gal. When I say matured, I mean mentally. From my experience, maturity (in terms of thinking) has little correlation with age. I have friends who are than Wendy, but they all can communicate well. I have a suspicion Wendy maybe a hyper-active child or something like that. I do appreciate her, for teaching me the virtue of patience.
If it is not for my no kiss and tell policy, I would have posted the transcript of some of our conversations. This brings me to a conclusion. Talking to Wendy is like talking to a black box which spills out random answers.

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